Is it just crush the other side? Is it because you - you believe that everyone who doesn't vote your way is evil. And then every time society proved you wrong, you just dug your heels in. At first, maybe you saw - maybe you thought you were right. But you're not sincere in anything you do. Now, to the political class and the media elites, you have been dividing us for years. But you should also know, you are part of our community. You lost a child to the same society that has an unwillingness to see the truth. You feel like every mom and dad feels about their child. And I've read your posts about your children, and how proud you are. While we disagree, we both want this violence to end. You've been fighting against guns in school. To the mother of the 27-year-old shooter, I've read your old posts. And I say, I'm sorry, because I'm part of the society that has an unwillingness to see the truth, apparently. Your loved ones have paid the ultimate price for that illness. There are a few areas, I think we need to address. Look at the suicide rate! What is causing all of this? It is the loss of the old guards of our civilization. When will we address mental health? Do you know the damage that we have done to our children, just because of COVID? The damage to their mental health.

Every American, I don't care who you voted for, feels the same. I am worried about this with my own children. I for one, want to address the problem of gun violence. But rather, the misuse of them, by individuals who are mentally ill or have a criminal intent. We must come together and address the root causes of violence. Because it's essential to remember that we have to come together as a society. And it may seem unnatural to rise above it, put we must. It is natural for all of us to feel anger and fear during these times. But especially in the places of learning and growth. We share the same goal of creating a safe and secure environment for everyone. All of us fear for the safety of our children and our loved ones. Our hearts break for the victims and their families, and the entire community affected by this senseless act of violence. And so I want to start the program where we have started too often. GLENN: Well, we had yet another tragic school shooting. Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors